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张冬彧 女 出生于北京 1982年毕业于中央戏剧学院,现为中央电视台美术设计师。画家语录:“ 每个小孩都爱画画,但有的延续了下来,有的就放弃了。我应该是归属于一直坚持画到今天的那一类。尽管时常停顿,时常徘徊。时而离得远一些,时而离得近一点。但终因会绘画的吸引力太大而无法完全弃他而去。并梦想着可以以他为生。?生活中的一切都给与我们表现的冲动,想象着他们如何呈现在画布上。????每当我看到弯曲绵延的山间小路,看到那错落有致的农舍院落,看到自然生长在其中婀娜婆娑的树枝;总为他们那自然形成的不平直的线条,和谐的色彩,朴质的构造而感动。是人类在这块土地上生生不息的劳作创造了这些最基本的生活,使大自然的美丽有了存在的意义。我一直在尝试着如何才能表达那种感动我的现实空间,用什么样的方法才能表达那种在我眼中的他们的美丽。???????也许会永远在画什么和怎么画中游历,一直在油画颜料,画布和画笔画刀中困惑。一直对大师们及同行们游刃有余的绘画技法而感叹。画家们高低之分我想就是区别于我们生活在同一个世界,但观察的角度和方式高低不同。大师们可以以那样的笔触那样的色彩那样的构图把我们平时司空见惯的平凡事务呈现的那样的不同凡响。????如何才能把内在的感知以恰当的语言表达出来,呈现在画布上令人满意,或许这应该是我毕生的追求。????电视晚会的设计,使我有机会从平面艺术中跳出来进入三围立体艺术空间中。尽管它不像绘画那样可以随你所欲,但是你享受了与平面艺术不同的尺寸与空间的巨大变化。????无论如何,艺术都是相互作用的。踏踏实实的利用生命中的每时每刻,去做自己喜欢做的事情。”Every child likes painting, but some continue some give up. I should belong to the sort of insist painting until now. even though stopped sometimes,wandered sometimes; close sometimes, far away sometime. But eventually cannot give it up because it’s strong attractive. And have been dreaming I can live depend on my arts one day.All of the details in our life give us impulse to express,imagine how to show them on the canvas.Every time when I see the small serpentine road in hill; the farm houses strew at random; the graceful branch grow up naturally in them,always move for their various linear formed by natural,move their concordant color, and move for their unvarnished…. People have created the basic live,they work hard on this ground, and make natural beauty has their existent meaning. I have been working on how to express the real –life space which moved me very much,what kind of artifice can express their beauty in my eyes.Perhaps will always wandering in what I paint and how to paint for ever,always puzzled in paint color ,canvas, brush and paint knife. Always exclaim the skill of Great artists,the different for common and outstanding artist is,I think, the angle and the manner difference for look-in the world. They can use their unique brushwork color and composition make the ordinary live to outstanding.How to express our feeling inside use right way and shows on the canvas satisfied would be the pursuit in all my life.Design for TV program,give me the chance to go out from planar art space to three-dimensional art space. Even though it is not like painting you could follow your inclinations sometimes. But you can enjoy the big different with 2D and 3D.In any events,arts work one another. Just use and enjoy every moment of my life,do something I like is important.
